What is Errandpay Agent?
Errandpay Agent is an innovative customer centric app that offers you best-in-class cash and banking solutions for your growing business.
Super Helpful.
Be there for your neighbourhood when they need it the most
Super Easy.
Errandpay gives your customer a persistent need to visit your store
Super Profitable.
Sell banking products in your free time & make money.
Enjoy cost efficient payment solutions, be it cash , cards , QR or anything else.

Errandpay - when there is no ATM in sight!
Errandpay Agent guarantees all these for free!
- Revenues
- Profits
- Footfall
Errandpay is Flexible
Errandpay Agent is an adaptable platform that is created to suit your needs.
Supermarket & Retail with Automation
Convenience Store & Petrol Station
Smaller Retailers & Food & Beverages
How can Errandpay help you?
Handle Cash With Ease
Errandpay simplifies cash handling & improves productivity
Daily Deals
Errandpay App provides customers with daily deals to drive recurring visits to your store
Best CRM
Errandpay provides valuable data & insights into your cutomers

Get Onboard in 3 Easy Steps!
- Download our app
- Our team will approach you or chat with us here
- Our team will explain all about Errandpay Agent